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Layout Plan (LOP)

Sub-Zone: A01(Paharganj)

Sub-Zone: A04 (Jhandewalan Extension)

Sub-Zone: A06 (Qadam Sharif, Ram Nagar)

Sub-Zone: A07 (Motia Khan)

Sub-Zone: A08 (Jhandewalan)

Sub-Zone: A09 (Sadar Bazar)

Sub-Zone: A10 (Bara Hindu Rao, Pahari Dhiraj)

Sub-Zone: A12 (Azad Market)



    Sub-Zone: B1 (Kishanganj)

    Sub-Zone: B 2 (Karol Bagh)

    Sub-Zone: B 3 (Rajinder Nagar)

    Sub-Zone: B 4 (Sarai Rohilla)

    Sub-Zone: B 5 (Anand Parbat)

    Sub-Zone: B 6 (Patel Nagar)

    Sub-Zone: B 7 (Naraina)





        S.No.01 Relaxation of setback for construction of underground connectivity between existing Supreme Court + Proposed additional office complex at mathura road,New Delhi





          G2 LOP

          G2 OTHER DRGS




          OTHER DRGS


          LAYOUT PLAN

          OTHER DRGS



          OTHER DRGS


          LAYOUT PLAN

          SITE PLAN


          LAYOUT PLAN


          LAYOUT PLAN

          SITE PLAN


          LAYOUT PLAN

          SITE PLAN


          Zone-H (Rohini Part)

          Zone-H (part Other than Rohini)

          Layout Plans @ Zone-H


          Utilization Plans @ Zone-H (part other then Rohini)


          Zone-H (Rohini Part)

          S.No.1 Proposed site for night shelter in sector 5 Rohini(paul colony)

          S.No.2 Modification in Modified layout Plan of Pocket NS/PS, Block ‘E’, Sector-XVI, Rohini.

          S.No.3 Modification in layout Plan of CS/OCF-4, Sector-VI, Rohini.

          S.No.4 Modification in Sub-Division of OCF Pocket in CS/OCF-4, Sector-1, Rohini

          S.No.5 Modification in revised Layout plan of Sector-XI Extn., Rohini.

          S.No.6 Modification in Layout plan of Sector-IX, XIII, XIV, Rohini-Regarding Utilization of vacant land adjacent to the existing Sr. Secondary School and area earmarked for CS/OCF-5 in Sector-XIII, Rohini.

          S.No.7 (i) Modification in Layout plan of Sector- XVIII, Rohini
          (ii) Modification in Layout plan of Sector- XIX, Rohini.

          S.No.8 Proposal for Change of Use- Premise of Community Hall to Religious in CS-I, Sector-IV, Rohini.

          S.No.9 Modification in the Layout Plan of Sector-II, Rohini w.r.t. width of Roads adjoining Higher Secondary School, Sector-II, Rohini.

          S.No.10 Layout Plan of CS/OCF in Pocket F, Sector-XVIII, Rohini.

          S.No.11 Utilisation of Vacant DDA Land for Construction of UGR and BPS (Booster Pumping Station) at Village MangolpurKalan, Sector-II, Rohini.

          S.No.12 Revised Layout Plan of Block-E-1 to E-5, Sector-7 around village Naharpur,Rohini.

          S.No.13 Revised Layout Plan of Block-E-1 to E-5, Sector-7 around village Naharpur,Rohini.

          S.No.14 Modification in the Layout Plan of Public Semi-public Facility Area No. 2A & 2B (MadhubanChowk) Rohini, Phase I & II w.r.t. Plot of DDA Rohini Office.

          S.No.15 Modification in Layout Plan (Revised) for change in dimension/ area of Pocket H-18 (Housing), Sector-7, Rohini.

          S.No.16 Sub-Division Plan of CS,OCF Pocket between B-2 & B-3 (Residential Pocket), Sector-XVII, Rohini, Phase-I & II.

          S.No.17 Sub-Division Plan of OCF Plot in Alternative Pocket , Sector –V, Rohini, Phase – I & II.

          S.No.18 Modification in the Layout Plan for Facilities and Residential Area (Adjacent To Sec.XIV) PSP-2, Rohini

          S.No.19 Layout Plan of DDA Vacant Land near Suraj Park, Sector – XVIII, Rohini, Phase – I & II.

          S.No.20 Modifications In Layout Plan of Sector-9,13,14 w.r.t. Utilization of Vacant OCF Pocket in CS/OCF-5 and Vacant Land adjacent To M.C. Primary School In Sector-9, Rohini, Ph-I&II.

          S.No.21 Modification in Layout Plan of Convenient Shopping Centre/ Other Community Facility-5 in Sector—XVI, Rohini (CS/OCF-5)

          S.No.22 Modification in the part Layout Plan of Sector-II, Pocket-1&2, Rohini Ph.- I & II.

          S.No.23 Sub-division plan of LSCSOCF plot in pocket A-1, Sector-VIII, Rohini, Ph.-I & II

          S.No.24 Modified Plan of LS/OCF plot in Pocket G-20 & G-21 and Pocket B-5 & B-6 Sector-Vii, Rohini Ph-I & II

          S.No.25 Modification in Layout Plan of Public and Semi Public Facility Area No.-4, Rohini, Phase- I & II, w.r.t. the allotment of an alternative site/land measuring 25543.626 Sqm. at PSP area-4 adjoining Sector-16, Rohini to Directorate of Higher Education, GNCTD for construction of Maharishi Valmiki College in lieu of plot at PSP-4 adjoining Sector-17, Rohini land measuring area 26940 Sqm

          S.No.26 Modification in Layout Plan of Alternative Residential Plots in Block-H, Pocket-1, Sector-18, Rohini w.r.t. Providing 3 Nos. of 11 KV Electric Sub Station

          S.No.27 Sub-Division Plan of CSOCF Pocket between B-2 & B-3 (Residential Pocket) w.r.t. Sub-Division of plot earlier proposed for Multipurpose Community Hall+C.S.C, Sector-XVII, Rohini, Phase-I&II

          S.No.28 Sub Division Plan of LS/OCF Vacant Plot in Pocket- A-2 & A-3 behind Existing Sr. Sec. School, Sector-III, Rohini, Ph-I & II

          S.No.29 Alternative site for Multipurpose Community Hall from Pocket-A-1, Sector-VIII, Rohini, Ph.-I & II- Modification in Layout plan.

          S.No.30 Utilisation of vacant DDA land for development of Park at Khasra No.-123 in village Rithala, Sector-V, Rohini, Phase-I & II

          S.No.31 Modification in Layout Plan of Sector-18,Rohini, Phase-1 & II w.r.t.i. Rehabilitation of JJ Cluster in CS/OCF Pocket in Block-F, Sector-18,Rohini.ii. Sub-Division of Plot earmarked forSr. Sec. School in Block-F.iii. Modification in Layout of Sub-divisionof CS/OCF-6, in Block-H, for shiftingof facilities proposed in CS/OCF inBlock -F, Sector-18, Rohini.

          S. No. 32 Sub Division Plan of LS/OCF Vacant Plot in Pocket-A-2 & A-3 behind Sr. Sec. School, Sector-III, Rohini, Ph-I & II

          S. No. 33 Alternative site for Multipurpose Community Hall from Pocket-A-1, Sector-VIII, Rohini, Ph.-I & II- Modification in Lyout plan.

          S. No. 34 Utilisation of vacant DDA land for development of Park at Khasra No. 123 in village Rithala, Sector-V, Rohini, Phase-I & II.

          S. No. 35 Modification in Layout Plan of Sector-18, Rohini Phase-I & II w.r.t (i)Rehabilitation of JJ Cluster in CS/OCF Pocket in Block-F, Sector-18, Rohini (ii) Sub-division of plot earmarked for Sr. Sec. School in Block-F. (iii) Modification in layout plan of sub-division of CS/OCF-6 in Block-H for shifting of facilities proposed in CS/OCF in Block-F, Sector-18, Rohini.

          S. No. 36 Modification in layout plan of DDA vacant land near Suraj Park, Sector-XVIII, Rohini, Phase-I & II to provide land for social facilities to North DMC.

          S. No. 37 Modification in implementation plan of Service Centre in Sector-5 Rohini, Phase I & II for proper utilization of DDA land at Service Centre in Sector 5, Rohini, Phase-I & II

          Zone-H (part Other than Rohini)

          Utilization Plans @ Zone-H (part other than Rohini)


          S.No.01 Public & Semi- Public Facilities Area-3, Rohini-Regarding Utilization of MTNL Plot for Health Facilities also.


          Dwarka Zone K-II


          Layout Plan of City Centre (District)- Dwarka Zone

          Layout Plan Prepared by HUPW for Dwarka Zone


          Layout Plans Sports Complex




            S. No. 01 Layout Plan plotted Pkt-I, Block-D, Sector-29, Ph,IV Rohini.


            S. No. 02 Layout Plan plotted Pkt-3, Block-D, Sector-29, Ph-IV Rohini


            S. No. 03 Layout Plan plotted Pkt-2, Block-D , Sector-29, Ph.IV Rohini


            S. No. 04 Layout Plan plottedPkt-2, Block-C, Sector-34, Ph-V Rohini


            S. No. 05 Layout Plan plotted Pkt-3, Block-C, Sector-34, Ph-V Rohini.


            S. No. 06 Layout Plan plotted Pkt-1&2 Block-A, Sector-34, Ph.V , Rohini


            S. No. 07 Layout Plan plotted Pkt-1&4, Block-C, Sector-34, Ph-V,Rohini


            S. No. 08 Layout Plan plotted Pkt-5, Block-C, Sector-34, Ph-V, Rohini


            S. No. 09 Layout Plan plotted Pkt-4, Block-A, Sector-34, Phj.V Rohini


            S. No. 10 Layout Plan plotted Pkt-I, Block-C, Sector-30, Ph-IV, Rohini


            S. No. 11 Layout Plan plotted Pkt-6, Block-C, Sector-34, Ph-V, Rohini


            S. No. 12 Layout Plan plotted Pkt-2, Block-A Sector-35, Ph.V, Rohini


            S. No. 13 Layout Plan plotted Pkt-I, Block-C, Sector-30, Ph-IV, ROhini


            S. No. 14 Layout Plan plotted Pkt-2 Block-C,Sector-30, Ph-IV, Rohini


            S. No. 15 Layout Plan plotted Pkt-3., block-A, Sector-28, Ph-IV Rohini


            S. No. 16 Layout Plan plotted Pkt-1 Block-A Sector-28, Ph-IV Rohini


            S. No. 17 Layout Plan of Residentia Pkt-3, block-C, Sector-36, Ph-V Rohini


            S. No. 18 Layout Plan of Residential Pkt-2., Block-A, Sector-36, Ph-V Rohini


            S. No. 19 Layout Plan of Residential Pkt-I, Block-A, Sector-36, Ph-V , Rohini


            S. No. 20 Layout Plan of residential Pkt-1, Block-B, Sector-36, Ph-V, Rohini


            S. No. 21 Layout Plan of Residential Pkt-3, Block-A Sector-36, Ph-V Rohini.


            S. No. 22 Layout Plan Residential Pkt-1, Block-C, Sector-37, Ph-V, Rohini


            S. No. 23 Proposed CNG Site in the Layout Plan of Sector -25 Rohini, Phase III


            S. No. 24 Modification in the Layout Plan of Pocket-11, Sector 23, Rohini, phase- III-Regarding Electrification


            S. No. 25 Proposed Utilization Plan for Vacant Land at Budh Vihar, Ph.-II, Rithala, Rohini


            S. No. 26 Modification in Layout Plan of Sector 34 & 35, Ph-V, Rohini- Regarding shifting of location of Sewerage Pumping Station (SPS)


            S. No. 27 Modification in the Layout Plan of Sector-30, Rohini, Ph- IV


            S. No. 28 Modification in Layout Plan of CS/OCF-7, Sector 24, Rohini


            S. No. 29 Proposed Layout Plan for Public & Semi Public Facilities Pocket Sector 27 (FC-9) & Sector 28 (FC-3, FC-4 & FC-5) Rohini, Ph-IV


            S. No. 30 Layout Plan of Residential Pocket-3, Block- B, Sector 37, Ph-V, Rohini


            S. No. 31 i) Proposed Numbering of Public & Semi Public Facilities Pockets (FC) in various Sectors of Zone-M, Rohini, phase-III, IV &V
            (ii) Modification in layout Plan of Sector-34 and Sector-35, Rohini, Phase-V-Regarding Proposed Location of 66 KV Electric Sub- Station)


            S. No. 32 Revised Layout Plan of Residential Pocket-1, Block-A, Sector 36, Phase- V, Rohini.


            S. No. 33 Layout Plan of Residential Pocket - 2, Block-C, Sector 36, Phase-V, Rohini.


            S. No. 34 Layout Plan of Residential Pocket-1, Block-C, Sector 36, Phase-V, Rohini.


            S. No. 35 Layout Plan of Residential Pocket-1, Block-A, Sector 37, Phase-V, Rohini.


            S. No. 36 (i). Layout Plan of Residential Pocket-2, Block-C, Sector 37, Ph.V, Rohini
            (ii). Modification in Proposed Layout Plan of Sector 36 & 37, Ph. V, Rohini


            S. No. 37 Proposed Layout Plans for Public & Semi-public Facilities Pockets (FC- 13 & 14) at Sector-29, Rohini, Ph. IV


            S. No. 38 Proposed Layout Plans for Public & Semi-public Facilities Pocket (FC-15 & 16) at Sector-30, Rohini, Ph. IV


            S. No. 39 Utilisation of DDA Vacant Land site No. 4 at Shahbad Dairy near St. Xaviers School, Sector-26, Rohini


            S. No. 40 Modification in the Layout Plans of Pocket A-I, A-3, A-IV, A-V, A-VI and C-I, C-II, C-III, C-IV (2 Pockets) and C-V in Sector 28, Rohini, Phase IV and V – Regarding proposed locations of 11 K.V. Electric Sub-Station


            S. No. 41 Modification in the Layout Plans of Pocket A-I, A-II, A-III, B-I, B-II, B-III, D-1, D-2 and D-3of Sector 29, Rohini, Phase IV and V – Regarding proposed locations of 11 K.V. Electric Sub-Station


            S. No. 42 Modification in the Layout Plans of Pocket A-1&2, A-4, C-1&4, C-2, C-3, C-5, C-6 of Sector 34 and A-1, A-02 &C-1 of Sector-35, Rohini, Phase V – Regarding proposed locations of 11 K.V. Electric Sub-Station


            S. No. 43 Modification in the Layout Plan of Pocket A-I, A-II, C-I &C-2 Sector-30, Rohini, Phase IV – Regarding proposed location of 11 K.V. Electric Sub-Station


            S. No. 44 Modification in the Layout Plans of Pocket A-1, A-2, A-3, B-1, C-1, C-2 & C-3 of Sector-36 and A-1, B-3, C-1 &C-2 of Sector 37, Rohini, Phase V – Regarding proposed locations of 11 K.V. Electric Sub-Station


            S. No. 45 Layout Plan of Sector-22(Part), 39, 40 & 41 Rohini, Phase -V


            S. No. 46 Modification in the proposed Layout Plan for Public & Semi-Public Facilities Pocket (FC-15) at Sector-30, Rohini, Phase-IV


            S. No. 47 Modification in the proposed Layout Plan for Public & Semi-Public Facilities Pocket (FC-4) at Sector-28, Rohini, Phase-IV


            S. No. 48 Modification in the Layout Plan of CS/OCF-2, Sector-24, Rohini, Ph. III


            S. No. 49 Modification In The Layout Plan Of Sector-32,36&37 And Utilization Of Vacant Land In Sector-33 Rohini, Phase-IV & V Regarding Location Of Physical Infrastructure i.e. Sewage Pumping Station, Command Tank, 220 KV & 66 KV Electric Sub-Station.


            S. No. 50 Revised Layout Plan of Sector 34 & 35, Rohini, Ph.-V


            S. No. 51 Proposed Layout Plan for Public & Semi Public Facilities Pocket FC-29 & fc-30 at Sector-35, Rohini, Ph-V


            S. No. 52 Revised Layout Plan of Sector 34 & 35, Rohini, Ph.-V, Regarding proposal of Mini Sewerage Treatment Plant


            S. No. 53 Modification in the layout plan of Sector 27 & 28 and Sector-30, Rohini, Phase-IV, regarding proposed relocation of 66 K.V. Electric Sub- Station


            S. No. 54 Modification In Proposed Layout Plan of Facility Centre No. 58 at Sultanpuri, Zone-'M'


            S. No. 55 Part Layout Plan Of Industrial Area, Near Ranikhera, Rohini, Phase-V for Pig Slaughter House


            S. No. 56 Modification In The Layout Plan of Composite Sector Plan of Sector 27 & 28 Ph.-IV, Rohini


            S. No. 57 (i) Revised Layout Plan of Sector-38, Phase-V, Rohini
            (ii) Proposed Layout Plan of Residential Pocket-1, Block-C, Sector-38, Phase-V, Rohini.


            S. No. 58 (i) Proposed numbering of Community Facility Pockets in Sector - 34, Rohini, Phase - V.
            (ii) Proposed Layout Plan Of Community Facility Pockets (CF–1 To CF–10), Sector - 34, Rohini, Phase - V.


            S. No. 59 (i) Proposed Numbering of Community Facility Pockets in Sector - 35, Rohini, Phase - V.
            (ii) Proposed Layout Plan of Community Facility Pockets (CF–1 To CF–6), Sector - 35, Rohini, Phase - V.


            S. No. 60 Proposed Layout Plan of Facility Center (FC–32) Pocket, Sector - 36, Rohini, Phase - V.


            S. No. 61 (i) Proposed Numbering of Community Facility Pockets in Sector - 36, Rohini, Phase - V.
            (ii) Proposed Layout Plan of Community Facility Pockets (CF–1 To CF–10), Sector - 36, Rohini, Phase - V.


            S. No. 62 (i) Modification in Revised Layout Plan of Sector 34 & 35, Ph-V, Rohini.
            (ii) Modified Proposed Layout Plan of Community Facility Pocket (CF-6) in Sector-34, Rohini, Ph-V.


            S. No. 63 i) Proposed Numbering of The Other Community Facility Pockets (OCF – 1 To OCF – 3) in Sector - 38, Phase – V, Rohini.
            (ii) Proposed Layout Plan of Other Community Facility Pocket (OCF– 1), Sector - 38, Phase – V, Rohini.


            S. No. 64 Modification in Part Layout Plan of Industrial Area near Ranikhera, Rohini, Phase-V for Pig Slaughter House


            S. No. 65 Modification in Proposed Layout Plan of Facility Centre No. 58 at Sultanpuri, Zone-‘M’


            S. No. 66 Modification in Modified Layout Plan of Block-B (Alternative Plots) Sector-26, Ph-IV, Rohini Regarding - 11 KV Electric Sub-Station (ESS)


            S. No. 67 (i) Proposed Layout Plan of Residential Area (DDA Acquired Land) Of Sector-40 Rohini, Phase V.
            (ii) Proposed Layout Plan of Gross Residential Area (DDA Acquired Land) Of Sector - 41, Rohini, Phase V.
            (iii) Proposed Layout Plan of Community Facility Pocket (CF - 1 To CF –10) In DDA Acquired Land Of Sector- 40 Rohini Phase-V.
            (iv) Proposed Layout Plan of Community Facility Pocket (CF - 1 To CF –3) In DDA Acquired Land of Sector - 41, Rohini Phase-V.


            S. No. 68 Modification in the Layout Plans of Pocket A-I, A-III, B-I,B-II, B-III, D-2 and D-3 Of Sector-29, Rohini, Phase-IV.


            S. No. 69 Modification in the Layout Plans of Pocket A-I,A-II and C-1 of Sector-30, Rohini, Phase-IV.


            S. No. 70 Modification in the Layout Plans of Pocket A-I,A-3, A-IV , A-V, A-VI And C-I, C-II, C-III, C-IV (2 Pockets), And C-V In Sector-28, Rohini, Phase-IV+V


            S. No. 71 Proposed Layout Plan of Community Facility Pocket (CF-4), Sector-34, Rohini, Phase-V.


            S. No. 72 Layout Plan of OCF Pockets-3&4 in Alternative Plots of Sector-20, Pocket-16 Rohini Phase-III.


            S. No. 73 Proposed Layout Plan of Community Facility Pocket CF-11, Sector-40, Rohini, Phase-V


            S. No. 74 Modification in the Proposed Layout Plan for Public & SemiPublic Facilities Pocket (FC-15) at Sector-30, Rohini, Ph-IV


            S. No. 75 Sub-division Plan of OCF-I & II and modification in location of ESS No.-II & III in Block-B, Sector-26 Ph-IV, Rohini.


            S. No. 76 Modification in Layout Plan of Sector-36, Rohini, Ph.-V w.r.t. providing entry/exit approach road from 60.0 m. wide R/W road through 45.0 m. wide green belt to Heliport Site.


            S. No. 77 Modification in Layout Plan of Sector-27, Rohini, Ph-IV w.r.t allocation of site for construction of Under Ground Reservoir (UGR) of 433175 gallon capacity in Pocket-II, Block-C, Sector-27, Rohini, Phase-IV


            S. No. 78 Proposed Layout Plan of Community Facility Pocket, Block-B (CF-7 & CF-8), sector-28, Rohini Phase-IV


            S. No. 79 Proposed Layout Plan of Residential Pocket - 1, Block - B, Sector - 37, Phase V


            S. No. 80 (i) Change of use premise of Residential Pocket- 4, Block- B, Sector-37, Phase- V, Rohini from Group Housing to Plotted Housing.
            (ii) Proposed Layout Plan of Residential Pocket - 4, Block- B, Sector- 37, Phase- V, Rohini w.r.t. clear the backlog of Rohini Residential Scheme 1981 in lieu of land lapsed in Sector-34, 37 & 38 under section 24(2) of Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013.


            S. No. 81 Sub-division plan of Pocket I-13 of Industrial Area Rohini Phase-V for providing facility of Sewage Pumping Station


            S. No. 82 Modification in layout plan of Sector-26, Rohini, Phase-IV for allotment of land for District Court


            S. No. 83 Proposed Layout Plan of Residential Pocket-1, Block B, Sector-37, Phase V, Rohini.


            S. No. 84 (i) Change of use promise of Residential Pocket- 4, Block B, Sector-37, Phase- V Rohini from Group Housing to Plotted Housing.
            (ii) Proposed Layout Plan of Residential Pocket 4, Block B, Sector- 37, Phase- V, Rohini w.r.t. clear the backlog of Rohini Residential Scheme 1981 in lieu of land lapsed in Sector-34, 37 & 38 under section 24(2) of Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013,


            S. No. 85 Sub-division plan of Pocket 1-13 of Industrial Area Rohini Phase-V for providing facility of Sewage Pumping Station.


            S. No. 86 Modification in layout plan of Sector-26, Rohini, Phase-IV for allotment of land for District Court.


            S. No. 87 Modification in Layout Plan of Residential Pocket-1, Block-B, Sector-37, Phase-V, Rohini to earmark the location for additional two (02) nos. of 11 KV electric Sub-station and modification in already earmarked locations of two (02) nos. of 11 KV electric Sub-station with 4.0 m. wide additional access at adjacent sides.


            S. No. 88 Modification in Layout Plan of Residential Pocket-4, Block-B, Sector-37, Phase-V, Rohini to earmark the location for additional two (02) nos. of 11 KV electric Sub-station, modification in already earmarked locations of three (03) nos. of 11 KV electric Sub-station with 4.0 m. wide additional access at adjacent sides and deletion of already earmarked location of one (01) 11KV electric Sub-station adjacent to religious facility.


            S. No. 89 Modification in layout plan of Block-B, (Alternative Plots), Sector-26, Phase-IV, Rohini for providing two Senior Secondary Schools.


            S. No. 90 Revised Layout Plan of Sector 32, Phase-IV, Rohini for utilisation and providing connectivity to DDA's vacant land.


            S. No. 91 Proposed Layout Plans for Public & Semi Public Facilities Pockets FC-27 & FC-28 at Sector- 34, Rohini PH- V.


            S. No. 92 Proposed Layout Plan of Community facility Pocket, Block-B (CF-7 & CF-8), Sector 28, Rohini Ph-IV.


            S.No.01 Change of Landuse from “Residential” to “Public and Semi Public Facilities” (Cemetery) for the site measuring 4198.12 sqmt for Cemetery in Pocket R-17 and adjoining to proposed Cremation Ground (ShamshaanGhat) & Burial Ground (Kabristaan) in Sector - 40, Rohini, Phase – V

            S.No.02 (i) Proposed Layout Plan of Industrial Area Rohini Phase-V.
            (ii) Change of Landuse from Industrial to Transportation (T-2, Bus Depot) for land measuring 8.00 hac.( 20 acres) at Industrial Area, Rohini, Phase-V.
            (iii) Change of Landuse from Industrial to Transportation (T-3,Roads) for proposed 30 mtr. Wide road for land measuring 6.47 hac at Industrial Area, Rohini, Phase-V

            S.No.03 Proposed Layout Plan of Industrial Area, Rohini Phase-V (Revised)

            S.No.04 (i) Proposed Change of Landuse from “Public and Semi Public Facilities” to “Transportation” (Bus Depot – T2) for the site measuring 40031.86 sqmt (4.0 Hac.) in FC - 20, Sector - 32, Phase – IV, Rohini.
            (ii)Modification in Layout Plan of Sector – 32, Phase – IV, Rohini regarding proposed Bus Depot & Temporary Bus Terminal with reference to proposed Change of Landuse and Sub-Division of remaining PSP Area, Pkt-11, FC-20.
            (iii) Modification in Revised Layout Plan of Sector – 11 (Extn.), Rohini regarding change in Use premises from DTC Housing to DDA Housing.
            (iv) Modification in Layout Plan of Sector – 26, Phase – IV, Rohini regarding change in Use premises from Bus terminal to Transportation.CS/OCF-5 and Vacant Land adjacent To M.C. Primary School In Sector-9, Rohini, Ph-I&II.


                Layout Plan


                COMMUNITY CENTRE



                OTHER COMMERCIALS


                Layout plan of "Government Land" along 60 m ROW at village Tikri Khurd, Zone P-1 (Narela Subcity(SCM 292 2010 Item No.72)


                Regarding conversion of proposed Petrol Pomp site at Plot my 22, Sector A-7,Narcla into CNG site.(SCM 292 2010 Item No.97)


                Sub division of OCF Pocket (Area 24 hact. approx.) in the Composite Plan for the Relocation of Chemical Traders at IFC, Narela.(SCM 292 2010 Item No.110)


                Revised Standard Plan of 50 Sqmt. Plot for FAR 100 & 125.(SCM 292 2010 Item No.134)


                Sub-division of proposed site for Primary School/Nursery School pocket 3, Sector A-9, Narela(SCM 300 2011 Item No.63)


                Allotment of Sr. Secondary School site in Sector G3 & G4 under "Right to Education Act" (RTE Act).(SCM 300 2011 Item No.81)


                Regarding sub-division of plot no.9, of Public &semi Public facility Area (FA-2),Sector A-7, Narela.(SCM 300 2011 Item No.113)


                Regarding relocation of 11 K.V.ES.S. (8 mtr. X 10 mtr.) at Pocket-B, Block-C shopping area in the layout plan. for relocation of Chemical Traders at IFC Narela.(SCM 306 2012 Item No.34)


                Earmarking of additional 66 KV Electric Sub Station in the Layout plan of Sectors G7,G8,G2,66,G3 & G4 in Zone P-I (Narela Sub city).(SCM 310 2012 Item No.125 and 137)


                Modification in the Approved Layout Plan of Sector A1-A4 (on the basis of the Total Station Survey submitted by Engg. Deptt.).(SCM 314 2013 Item No.82)


                Layout plan of Facility Area (FA)-6 (part) in Sector B-2, Planning Zone P-I, Narela Sub-city for Delhi Police Facilities like District Police Office and Battalion. (Office of Indian Reserve Battalion, 11th to 15th), Police Lines and Police Training Institute/ College (Advanced Research and Training Institute for Delhi Police).(SCM 363 2018 Item No.88)


                Modification in Layout plan of Sector A-8 in Zone P-1, Narela for Women Police Training College.(SCM 363 2018 Item No.89)


                Modification in Layout Plan of Composite Plan for Re-location of Chemical Traders at IFC, Narela for Sub Fire Station for area of 0.6 Ha.(SCM 364 2018 Item No.100)


                Layout Plan of plots to be allotted for the re-location of transport traders in an area of 17.5 Ha, out of the total 71.2 Ha. earmarked for 'Wholesale and Warehousing' from Walled City area to Plot No. 1 at IFC, Narela. (SCM 366 2019 Item No.05)

                ** Disclaimer : Information /Plan is only for reference purpose not for legal /litigation