Contact and Address Details
Location/Address | DDA Lake View Golf Course, Near Bhalswa Lake, Outer Ring Road,Mukundpur, New Delhi – 110042 |
Contact No. | 1.Secretary - 9871900759 2. Reception ( only 10: AM to 5 PM ) - 8800639123 |
Starter Hut | (a) Starter 1 - 8750430353 (b) Starter 2 - 9759877480 |
E-Mail ID of DDA Lake View Golf Course | |
Area | 79 Acres. |
Date of Commencement | Inaugurated on 13.01.2003 and opened for Pay and Play. Membership Launched on 15.06.2009 and at present has 171 active members. |
Membership | Memberships at Golf Course are open. Membership form may be obtained from the Golf Course on payment of Rs 600 (including 18% GST). |
Schools and Colleges | School and College Students on weekdays can avail the facility from 1000 hrs to 1600 hrs at special concessional rates, individual game on the Golf Course/practice at Range Area. |
Facility Available
Sr. No. | Name of facility |
1. | Fully operational 9 Holes Golf Course |
2. | Practice Range (Driving Area, Practice Green and Chipping Area) |
3. | Golf Coaching (At the moment by an Adhoc Golf Coach) |
4. | Club House (Hall, Open Terrace & Lawns) |
5. | Mid Hut |
6. | Parking Area |
The DDA Lake View Golf Course has been developed by Delhi Development Authority. It is situated 1 km from Mukarba Chowk (GTK Bye Pass) off the Outer Ring Road adjacent to the Bhalswa Lake Complex.
The 9 Holes Golf Course, including a club house and a 220 yards driving range, has been developed over an area of approx. 26 hectares.
DDA Lake View Golf Course is a public golf course and facilities are available on pay and play basis. The golf course has been developed to popularize the game by allowing public to utilize the facility through pay and play facility, without the necessity of obtaining playing rights. Training facilities available at the golf course would also enhance interest in the sport, which is an Asian and Olympic Games event.
The Apex Body, headed by the Chief Patron and the President shall lay down the policies and guidelines for the functioning of the DDA Lake View Golf Course.
The Hon’ble Lt Governor of Delhi/Chairman, DDA’s Sports Management Board would be the Chief Patron of the DDA Lake View Golf Course.
The Vice Chairman, Delhi Development Authority would be the President of the DDA Lake View Golf Course.
The DDA Lake View Golf Course is operated as per the policies and guidelines of the Sports Management Board of DDA which shall retain the overall control of the DDA Lake View Golf Course.
The day to day management of the DDA Lake View Golf Course will rest with the Management Committee whose composition is as under:-
- Pr. Commissioner, DDA
- Finance Member, DDA
- Commissioner (Sports)/Director (Sports)/ Head of Sports Deptt., DDA
- Secretary (Coordination), Sports Wing, DDA
- Secretary, DDA Lake View Golf Course
The land over which the DDA Lake View Golf Course has been built is the property of DDA. The golf course, including all facilities built thereon, including the club house, golf driving range, etc., is wholly owned and controlled by the DDA. There are no statutory provisions, rules, regulations, bye-laws, etc., entitling participation in the management and affairs of the DDA Lake View Golf Course by any person, institution, agency, etc., other than DDA and no person with playing rights of DDA Lake View Golf Course shall have any kind of rights on the property, management and affairs of the DDA Lake View Golf Course.
The Golf course has been developed as a Public Golf Course, keeping in view the basic intendment and purpose of the scheme of pay and play facility. The playing rights of the golf course shall not be transferable and inheritable. The control and management of the golf course will always be with the DDA as set out herein. Lifetime playing rights and other playing rights are restricted to the playing life of individuals granted such playing rights or till the period of tenure of the playing rights. In the event of the demise of the individual with lifetime playing rights, playing rights can be transferred to the spouse, only if the spouse had dependant playing rights before the demise of the individual with lifetime playing rights. Similarly, children can continue their dependant playing rights till they attain the age of maturity, provided they already had dependant playing rights before the demise of the individual with playing rights. In the event of inability to play or use the golf course for a minimum specified times or any reason by the individual having lifetime playing rights, his/her playing rights shall stand automatically terminated after issuance of due notice and entry fee forfeited.
Utilization of the golf course would be on the basis of pay and play. Some lifetime/tenure playing rights have been / are being issued. Granting of playing rights is open at DDA Lake View Golf Course presently. (Playing rights in foreigners category is for a period of one year and for Corporate category for five years.)
The DDA Lake View Golf Course is a public golf course, essentially to provide pay and play facility to ensure maximum participation. Playing Rights have been granted in the following categories:-
- Government Servants
- Others (Non-Government)
- Honorary
- Corporate (Maximum 3 nominees)
- Institutional (Maximum 3 nominees)
- Foreigners
Various types of Playing Rights as indicated above are defined in the succeeding paragraphs.
Government Servants: This type of playing rights are granted to serving and retired employees of Central Govt., State Govt., Delhi Development Authority, Municipal Corporations of Delhi, New Delhi Municipal Council and Delhi Jal Board. Pay and allowances of individuals under Central/State govt. category should be drawn from the Consolidated Fund of India/State. Retired individuals should be pension holders. The playing rights once granted can only be transferred to the spouse on the demise of the individual with playing rights, provided the spouse already had dependant playing rights before the demise of the individual with playing rights. Individuals with playing rights can nominate his/her spouse and children (between the age of 5 to 25 years) as dependant individuals. These dependants would also need to pay monthly subscription charges separately. Dependents who do not want playing rights will be issued playing rights card with which they can utilize the facilities of the club house. No monthly subscription charges would need to be paid by dependents without playing rights.
Others (Non-Government): This type of playing rights is granted to persons other than those covered in the category of Government Servants. The playing rights once granted can only be transferred to the spouse on the demise of the individual with playing rights provided the spouse already had dependant playing rights before the demise of the individual with playing rights. Individuals with playing rights can nominate his/her spouse and children (between the age of 5 to 25 years) as dependant individuals. These dependants with playing right would also need to pay monthly subscription charges separately.
- Corporate. Corporate with an annual turnover of ₹ 250 crores for public / private sector companies of manufacturing industries and ₹ 50 crores for consultancy services can apply for Corporate playing rights. In addition, PSUs, government organizations and listed companies are also eligible to apply for Corporate playing rights. The Corporate Playing Rights will be granted for a tenure of five years. For each Corporate playing right, three nominees can be nominated. Change of nominees will be allowed with prior approval of the Management Committee.
- Institutional. Institutional Playing Rights would be granted for Constitutional bodies Institutional playing rights will be granted for a tenure of five years. For each institutional playing right, three nominees can be nominated. Change of nominees will be allowed with prior approval of the Management Committee.
Honorary. Past and present Chairmen, Vice-Chairmen, Engineer Members and Finance Members of DDA would be Honorary Members. The Chief Patron may also at his discretion nominate Honorary Members for a tenure of three years.
Foreigners/NRI. This will be granted on term basis to Foreigners/NRI’s for a period of 1 year. Each individual can nominate his/her spouse and children (between the age of 5 and 25) as dependant.
- I-Cards. All those granted playing rights of the golf course will be issued Identity Cards on payment of the prescribed charges. Dependents who do not have playing right s would be issued identity cards for utilizing the club house.
- Possession of I-Cards. All those granted playing rights and non playing rights dependants are required to carry their playing rights Identity Cards whenever visiting the DDA Lake View Golf Course. Non-production of identity card shall debar an individual from utilizing any course/ club house facility.
Being a public golf course, granting of playing rights has been restricted. Individuals granted playing rights should play at least four times in a quarter failing which their playing rights shall be terminated and entry fee forfeited. Individuals with playing rights are, therefore, advised to submit score cards and enter their name with playing right number and signature in the register available at the reception to ensure that they have played the minimum mandatory number of games at the golf course. Rule 20 to be read in conjunction with Rules 21 and 49.
Playing Rights shall be terminated for any of the following reasons:-
- On the Individual’s own request.
- For non-payment of club dues for a period of one year or more. The Management Committee will not be responsible for non-receipt of letters by the individuals for incorrect addresses or postal delays. Individuals are requested to ensure that quarterly subscription is paid regularly to avoid termination of Playing Rights.
- Misconduct or any act considered prejudicial to the good name and smooth functioning of the course or persistent infringement of the Rules and Regulations of the Course. Individuals whose playing rights are terminated for this reason would not be permitted to utilize facilities at any other DDA sports complex/golf course and would be debarred from entry to these facilities. If the individual has playing right/membership at other DDA sports complex/golf course, this would also be terminated. Request of restoration of playing right/membership would not be entertained if playing right/membership has been terminated due to this reason.
- The Management Committee may terminate the Playing Rights of any individual without assigning any reason whatsoever. Names of Individuals whose Playing Rights are terminated shall be posted on the Notice Board.
- For not regularly using the facility as specified above.
- No refund of entry fees will be made on termination of Playing Rights.
- Any advance paid towards subscription will be refunded after adjusting all dues.
On termination of Playing Rights the individual cannot use the course facilities unless his Playing Rights are restored. In case of termination of Playing Rights due to non-payment of dues, re-acceptance will call for additional payment of one-third of the current playing rights entry fees and on clearing the outstanding dues. Restoration of playing rights would not be permitted beyond a period of two years from the date of termination of playing rights. However, restoration of playing rights terminated on the ground of misconduct and infringement of rules and regulations of the course as mentioned in Clause 26 (c) and (d) of the Rules and Regulations will not be entertained.
The restoration charges along with the outstanding dues can be paid in three installments as follows:-
- 1/3rd of total charge : at the time of restoration
- 1/3rd of total charge : within 30 days
- Balance of total charges : within 60 days
Schedule of charges with regard to entry fees, monthly subscription, green fees, driving range, hire of golf cart is displayed on the notice board and reception of the golf course and posted on DDA’s website
The charges are subject to revision from time to time.
All fees/charges are non-refundable.
The DDA reserves its absolute rights to revise or amend the Terms and Conditions, including charges, etc., at its discretion.
Green fees can be paid in advance at a time of online booking for tee off timings. Green fees can also be paid in cash or by credit card (once POS machines are installed at the Green Fee Counter). Name of player and the amount paid shall be entered in the receipt.
Honorary members and members of the Management Committee will be exempted from payment of the entry fee and monthly subscription.
All individuals shall accept and honour the Rules and Regulations of the DDA Lake View Golf Course.
All individuals must comply with the instructions of the officials of the course. Non-compliance of such instructions will be viewed seriously. Any complaint may be brought to the notice of the Secretary. Complaints/suggestions may be entered by the individual in the Suggestion Book kept at the Reception. Complaints/suggestions can also be posted through mobile app.
Out station Playing Rights facility will be granted to those having life time Playing Rights with following proviso:-
- Individuals asking for such facility should have been an active player using the golfing facility regularly and should have retained Playing Rights for one year before making such request.
- Individuals request for absentee playing rights would not be considered for a period of less than 12 calendar months.
- Individuals will pay such absentee subscription as may be fixed by the Management.
- Individuals in and around Delhi, i.e., in the National Capital Region will not be considered for absentee playing rights though these places are located outside the Municipal limits of Delhi.
- Individuals will be required to pay 1 year subscription as prescribed in advance.
- Absentee playing rights would commence from the date of receipt of written communication along with documentary proof in the form of office order, transfer certificate, visa endorsement, etc. Absentee playing rights will be approved on the surrender of cards which can be re-claimed on return by the individual with playing rights. Facilities of the golf course cannot be utilized by the individual with playing rights /dependant with playing rights during the period the individual is granted outstation playing rights.
- Outstation playing rights will not be granted ex-post facto. Dependants, however, can be granted permission for outstation playing rights separately, if they are outstation for studies, employment, etc., subject to providing proof and surrendering playing right cards.
The latest rules of the game of Golf as prescribed by the Royal & Ancient Club of St. Andrews shall govern rules of play at the Course, along with the Local Rules in force.
The DDA Lake View Golf Course is a 9 holes Course.
Each player must have his/her independent bag. Players sharing a bag will not be allowed to play.
No individual is permitted to walk on the course unless he/she is playing the game of golf.
Players are requested to play fast, replace divots, repair pitch marks on the greens and smoothen bunkers. They should see that their caddies carry a bag filled with earth to fill in/replace divots. Caddies not carrying a bag filled with earth would not be permitted to accompany players. Private caddies are not permitted on the course.
Players pulling their own trolleys must carry bag filled with earth for divot repair (applicable to those with playing rights only). Players pulling their own trolleys are required to repair divots and pitch marks and rake bunkers.
It is compulsory for all pay and play golfers to use caddies.
A player is not permitted to play more than one ball.
A player is required to leave the Green immediately after putting out and ensure that the flag stick is properly placed in the hole.
Timings laid down for 9 holes play must be adhered to. Slow players will without question give pass to the following teams as soon as more than one clear hole ahead is available.
Any player infringing on any of the Rules and Regulations is liable to have his or her playing rights suspended/terminated. Pay and play players would be debarred from entry to the golf course for infringement of the rules and regulations of the golf course.
Caddies will also be suspended from the course for 10 days, if they allow their players to infringe upon the rules and regulations of play.
Caddies should be paid only their authorized remuneration as displayed on the Notice Board. Any payment over and above the authorized remuneration shall be viewed as infringement of the DDA Lake View Golf Course Rules and may attract suitable action against the defaulters.
Players are requested not to tip or pay extra money to any caddie or employee of the course.
Only two golf carts are available at the golf course. Preference for allotment of golf carts would be given to individuals above the age of 70 years. Golf carts are not permissible on the Course during rains or when turf conditions on the Course are such that use of carts can adversely affect the playing areas. Golf carts can only be driven on the designated cart tracks.
Caddies are not permitted to drive the golf cart.
Players having authorized driving license may use golf cart on payment.
The Management would not be responsible for any mishap/injury caused to the individual while using the golf cart. However, the individual using the golf cart would be responsible for any mishap/injury caused by him to any other golfer, caddy or person while using the golf cart. Individual using the golf cart would be responsible for any damage caused to the golf cart and would be liable to pay for the damages.
Loss of I-Cards
Loss of identity card must be intimated to the DDA Lake View Golf Course immediately on occurrence. Duplicate Playing Rights card will be issued on payment of the prescribed charges to be billed to the individual. For loss of card, FIR/Police Report will have to be lodged, a copy of which will be given to DDA Lake View Golf Course for issue of new card.
Payment of Bills:
- Bills will be issued every quarter. Non-payment of bills for more than one year will lead to termination of playing rights. Surcharge of ₹ 500/- will be levied for delayed payments. The Management will not be responsible for non-receipt of letters/bills by the individuals for incorrect addresses or postal delays. Individuals are requested to ensure that subscription is paid regularly to avoid termination of Playing Rights.
- The individuals with playing rights will be informed of their outstanding dues through SMS/e-mail.
- Notices will be sent to defaulters at the address mentioned in the application form giving them final opportunity to make outstanding payments within 15 days of receipt of notice, in default of which, playing rights would be terminated.
- Individuals with playing rights are advised to update their profiles with the Course Management in case of any change in their mailing address, e-mail ids, phone numbers, etc.
- All individuals are advised to obtain receipts for amount paid on account of utilization of any facility in the course premises.
The DDA Lake View Golf Course is an independent set up of the DDA and has no affiliation with regard to Playing Rights with any of its other Sports Complexes/Golf Course.
Golf Course
Summer | 5.30 AM to 7.00 PM |
Winter | 7.00 AM to 5.00 PM |
Coffee Shop | 5.30 AM to 6.00 PM |
Restaurant (Copy) | 11.30 AM to 11.00 PM |
- The timings of the Course will be as under:
- The above timings can be modified from time to time by the Management. Every Individual, dependant, guest/visitor will strictly comply with the club timings.
- Monday will be observed as closed day.
The use of the club house is restricted to those having playing rights of DDA Lake View Golf Course. Display of playing rights cards would be required to avail the facilities of the club house. Spouse and children who do not have dependant playing rights would be charged guest fee of ₹ 200/- every time they avail the facilities of the club house.
As per Excise rules, liquor will not be served to individuals below the age of 25 years. Dry days will be observed with or without notification.
It is desirable that patrons are properly attired at all times while using the club and its facilities. Sports attire and shorts, cargos and three fourth and sports / casual shoes will be allowed only till 07:30 pm during October to February and 08:00 pm during March to September. Proper footwear must be worn at all times. Slippers, bathroom slippers and rubber sandals are not permitted.
- National Dress.
- Shirts / T-Shirts / Trousers, Shoes or Sandals with strap.
- Lounge suit / jacket or Blazer.
- Designer kurtas with churidar pajama with mojari / Leather Sandals having strap.
- Shorts are allowed after 07:30 pm / 8:00 pm depending upon the season.
- T-shirts should always be tucked in.
- National Dress (excluding dhoti/lungi/loose pajama).
- Shirts/T-shirts with collars, trousers, shoes or sandals with strap.
- Lounge suit/jacket or Blazer.
- Designer kurta with churidar pajama with Mojari / leather sandals having strap.
The timings of operation of the Bar will be as under:-
- As per License.
- Last orders will be taken half an hour before closing time.
- Consumption of liquor outside the designated bar is strictly prohibited.
- Holding parties in the restaurant, coffee shop and bar is not allowed.
- Organizers of tournaments are required to obtain a bar licence for a specific day/period for consumption of liquor in the party lawn.
- Use of the restaurant, coffee shop and bar is not allowed for tournaments, other than club events.
- All those having playing rights may bring a maximum of eight guests at one time and will be charged guest fee charges at the rate prescribed by the Management.
- Casual players and dependants are not allowed to bring guests.
Individuals, players, their dependants and guests are not allowed to bring any eatables, beverages or alcoholic drinks into the Course/Club House from outside for consumption in the Course/Club House.
Dogs or other pet animals are not allowed on the Course or in the Club House.
All players who bring children to the Course are responsible at all times for the behavior of the children as well as their safety while on the Course premises.
Dependant children can play on the Course if accompanied by their playing Parents/Guardians. Children who wish to play as casual individuals may do so if they have a handicap of 24 and below.
Non-playing children should not be allowed to stray on the golf course, in view of the danger of being hit by golf balls from oncoming matches. Non-playing children will not be allowed to walk along with any player on the course.
Complaints/suggestions are welcome and may be entered in the Suggestion Book at the reception. Complaints/suggestions can also be filed online through mobile app, details of which are posted on the notice board as well as on DDA’s website.
- The right of starting at the 1st Teeing ground shall be governed by and shall accrue to players according to the order in which their names are entered in the Time-sheet.
- If any player is absent from the Teeing ground at which he is to start or if his match or party is not complete and not present at the Teeing ground as soon as the preceding match has teed off, he shall lose his right of precedence.
- Players in Course matches and competitions shall always have precedence in starting over other players in private matches.
- Players shall abide by the instructions of the Starter as to starting. The Starter will have the discretion to re-arrange times as he considers fit and in the interest of good order and in fairness to all players.
- The Committee may appropriate certain times on the Time-sheet or close the Course for course matches and competitions or for any other purpose for specific period or days as they consider fit.
- No player may start at any place on the course than at the 1st and 10th Teeing grounds (Not applicable as of now) or as decided by the Management from time to time. A player starting from an unauthorized teeing ground will have no standing on the course. No player may cut in front of other matches at any stage during the course of a round.
- The Chief Patron, President and Chief Executive of the Course will have precedence at 1st and 10th Tee, whether entered on the Time sheet or not.
- If a person with playing rights does online booking and does not turn up twice in a week, he will be debarred from booking for the next two weeks.
- Starter can prevent a player from playing, if dress code is violated. Refer to dress code approved by the IGU and displayed on the notice board.
- Avoid bringing beepers or cell phones onto the golf course. If you must do so, turn them off or put them on silent mode. Also if your watch beeps, remember to turn it off at the Starter’s desk.
- Arrive at the course on time. Tee times are tight. If for some reason a partner is late, notify the Starter so he can readjust the tee-off times, if possible. Players are advised to be present at least 10 minutes before their scheduled tee off time.
- When a player is teeing off, the others in the group should invariably be standing together outside of the markers and to the side to avoid being a distraction. Standing behind the player who’s teeing off is akin to reading over someone’s shoulder. It is rude and should not be done.
- Groups waiting to tee off should be well away from the tee to avoid distraction to those who are teeing off.
- Replacing divots is one of the cornerstones of proper golf etiquette. Replacing divots is also essential to maintain the course. If you happen to see another divot in the course nearby, it’s a good idea to fix that one too.
- Before stepping on the green, leave your bags and trolleys away from the fringe of the green. On many occasions you can even take your bag or trolley to the next tee and then bring your putter with you back to the green and proceed.
- The green is more fragile than the rest of the course. Please treat it so. Walk softly, never run on the green. Remember to lift your feet so as not to leave long dragging cleat marks.
- Locate the rake before you enter the bunker. Once you have hit the sand shot, retrace your steps and pick up the rake outside the bunker. Retrace your steps once more and rake backward to the fairway. Always leave the rake outside the bunker. If playing with a caddie, make sure the action is followed by the caddie.
- Players should repair pitch marks (hole plugs) or damage to the putting green caused by the impact of a ball, whether or not their pitch mark lies on the putting line on green.
- The green fee slip is for one round of 18/09 holes for the date and time mentioned on the slip.
- Re-use of the slip in any form is un-authorized.
- Please obtain the green fee slip from the green fee clerk only.
- There can be deviation in tee off time given on the slip due to slow play and weather conditions.
- Two ball groups are not permitted to tee off on weekends/holidays.
- Dependents of those with playing rights can only play from 0930 hours on the course.
- Refund of green fee is not permitted.
- Retain the green fee slip till the end of the game as it can be checked during and after the game.
- Safety on the course is of utmost importance. Be concerned about your safety and safety of all others, including ground staff. Course management is not responsible under any circumstances in case of injury to others. Golfer whose ball causes injury to any individual will be responsible with consequences.
- If the staff on duty observes that a player is either a beginner or a dangerous player, he has the right to request such player to stop play.
- Players should play at a brisk pace and not hold up play. Golfers to ensure that their pace of play is such that the gap between them and the group ahead should not be more than one fairway. Groups holding up play should give pass to the following group. The Course Marshall / any other designated official can ask a group to give pass to other groups. The recommended time for completion of 9/18 holes at DDA Lake View Golf Course by a group is 2 hours/ 4 hours 30 minutes.
- Golfers should not search for balls for more than 3 minutes. In case balls cannot be located within this time, golfers are advised to play another ball with 2 stroke penalty from the approximate place from where the ball had presumably landed, instead of going back to the spot from where the earlier shot had been played.
- One stroke penalty for ball lying in hazard, if not played from where it is lying.
- Two stroke penalty for balls lying in areas marked out of bound.
- Free drops from Ground Under Repair (GUR) and saplings and flower beds.
- Golfers would be responsible with consequences for causing injury or loss of life during play or damage to property due to balls played out of bounds.
- Golfers are directed not to feed stray dogs, other animals and birds within the golf course premises.
- Due courtesy be extended by golfers to other golfers on the course. Golfers involved in altercation on the course / within premises of DDA Lake View Golf Course would be debarred from utilization of the course.
- All local rules would apply. Local rules are displayed on the notice board at the reception.
- At the driving range golfers are advised to drive balls off the mats and not off the grass/turf ahead, when hitting balls off the turf is not permitted.
- All golfers/individuals to register themselves at the reception before proceeding for tee off, driving range, dining area or outdoor catering area.
- Golfers should not bring their personal caddies and only utilize the services of caddies assigned to them by the Caddie Master.
- The Management shall have powers to make, alter and repeal all such rules and regulations as it may deem necessary or convenient for the proper conduct and management of the DDA Lake View Golf Course.
- A team comprising four golfers are entitled to tee off from the back tees (black markers), if their combined handicap is 48 or less.
- Searching/retrieving balls from water bodies is not allowed.
Individuals having playing rights and desiring a handicap must submit at least five score cards of 18 holes each and shall state their last handicap at any other club or clubs of which they are or were members. Handicaps will be given to individuals as per USGA Handicap Rules.
Golf is a game of pleasing manners. It shall be incumbent upon all individuals, dependants,visitors and guests to bear this in mind.
Unless special/specific instructions are issued by the Management, the following procedure would apply:-
- A two ball is entitled to pass any three or four ball (except on weekends & holidays when a two ball is not allowed).
- A single player has no standing on the course.
- Any match playing a whole round is entitled to pass a match playing a shorter round.
- If a match fails to keep up its pace on the course and lags more than one clear hole on the players in front, it should invite the match following to pass.
- A match comprising of the Chief Patron, President and/or Chief Executive of the Course is entitled to pass other matches on the Course.
- Play fast.
- Level bunkers before leaving.
- Replace divots, repair pitch marks and damage by spikes.
- Avoid damage to the course, particularly the tees in taking practice swings.
- Practice only in the designated areas/greens.
- Do not throw cigarette butts, empty packets, soft drink bottles or any other such litter on the course.
- Before leaving bunkers, players should ensure that the bunkers are properly smoothened.
- Do not practice chipping on the regular greens.
The responsibility for ensuring safe play lies with the golfers. Following safety precautions are laid down for strict adherence by all golfers:-
- Do not play a shot until you make sure that no one will be hit and all players ahead and to the side are out of range.
- Shout "FORE" before hitting a shot even if there is a remote possibility of any player being hit by your ball. Play your shot only after receipt of acknowledgement from all concerned of your shout of 'FORE'.
- Any individual with playing rights who injures another golfer or caddie or any person on the course will be liable for termination/suspension of his playing rights. Golfers using the course on green fee basis can be debarred from using the course. Such golfers causing injury will also be liable to pay compensation.
The Course has three flags. The Silver Grey flag with the logo of the Course will be hoisted when the Course is open. The green flag is of the Chief Patron and the white color flag is of the President of the course and shall be hoisted whenever the Chief Patron and the President are on the Course.
Golf is played, for the most part, without the supervision of a referee or umpire. The game relies on the integrity of the individual to show consideration to other players and to abide by the rules. All players should conduct themselves in a disciplined manner, demonstrating courtesy and sportsmanship at all times, irrespective of how competitive they may be. Etiquette and integrity are the very heart of golf. You will discover that most golfing etiquettes address slow play, the most common complaint from golfers. If every golfer practices proper etiquette on the course, slow play would be virtually eliminated.
And finally golf is a game and should be enjoyed as such. The game of golf should be embraced with the intention of joining a great army of good fellows; young and old, who play because it is the finest form of outdoor exercise, which also offers companionship, competition, diversion and fun.
"At the end of the round it matters little who won or lost, it is how many friends you made"
Category | 3 Years | 5 Years | Lifetime | Monthly Subscription | |||||||||||||
Entry Fee (in ₹) | GST@ 18% (in ₹) | Total (in ₹) | Entry Fee (in ₹) | GST@ 18% (in ₹) | Total (in ₹) | Entry Fee (in ₹) | GST@ 18% (in ₹) | Total (in ₹) | |||||||||
Govt./DDA | 20,000/- | 3,600/- | 23,600/- | 45,000/- | 8,100/- | 53,100/- | 1,50,000/- | 27,000/- | 1,77,000/- | 600/- | |||||||
Non Govt. | 75,000/- | 13,500/- | 88,500/- | 1,50,000/- | 27,000/- | 1,77,000/- | 4,00000/- | 72,000/- | 4,72,000/- | 1200/- | |||||||
Corporate (Max 3 Nominees) | - |
- |
- |
5,00,000/- | 90,000/- | 5,90,000/- | - |
- |
- | 1500/- |
Note: GST at the rate of 18% will be extra on monthly subscription indicated in the table above.
Sr. No. | Category |
Driving Range(Amount in ₹) |
Main Course (9 Holes) Amount in ₹ |
1 | Green Fee (Indian) | Weekday
60/- | Weekday
300/- |
60/- | Weekend | 590/- | ||
2 | Green Fee (Foreigner) | Weekday
120/- | Weekday
710/- |
120/- | Weekend | 1300/- | ||
3 | Student<18 Yrs (10 AM to 4 PM) | Weekday
20/- | Weekday
120/- |
20/- | Weekend | 180/- |
Note: Student concession applicable on production of valid I Card issued by a School/College containing age details.
Category | Entry Fee | Bucket of 50 Balls |
Member | - | 60/- |
Non-Member | 60/- | 60/- |
Foreigner | 120/- | 60/- |
Note: - All rates are including GST as applicable.
Sr. No. | Category | Amount in ₹ |
1 | Driving Range | 300/- |
2 | Main Course (9 Holes) | 400/- |
Note: Coaching is available by an adhoc coach on 60:40 sharing basis between the coach and DDA.
Sr. No. | Description | Amount in ₹ |
1 | Kit (Full Bag) 4½Hour | 350/- |
2 | Club (One Club) | 60/- |
3 | Golf Cart (2 Seater) 4½Hours | 450/- |
4 | Payment of Lost Ball | 30/- |
5 | Ball Bucket (50 Balls) | 60/- |
6 | Caddie Charges (9 Holes) | 200/- |
7 | Caddie Charges (18 Holes) | 350/- |