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Poorv Delhi Khel Parisar (PDKP), Dilshad Garden

POORV DELHI KHEL PARISAR (PDKP) has been set up by the Delhi Development Authority (DDA) as part of development and growth of Sports in National Capital Territory of Delhi. The Complex was inaugurated on 17.2.1993 by Hon’ble Smt. Sheila Kaul, the then Housing and Development Minister.


Location / Address Poorv Delhi Khel Parisar, Near Rajiv Gandhi Super Specialty Hospital, Tahirpur, Dilshad Garden Delhi-110095
Contact Nos. Reception - 22571088 ,Secretary - 22134167
Area 3.71 Hectares
Telephone. 011-22571088
Email ddapdkp@gmail.com

Brochure (Rules and Regulations)


Membership to the Complex is open. Membership form with a copy of Rules & Regulations may be obtained from the Complex on payment.

School and Colleges can book the sports facilities on weekdays at special rates, for team and individual games. For Government and Government-aided schools there are further concessional rates for daily and monthly booking.

Senior citizens above 60 years of age can get special concession for obtaining membership. They pay only 20 percent of the normal entry fee and 60 percent of the normal monthly subscription


Facilities available

Sl. No. Name of facility Sl. No. Name of facility
1 Aerobics 10 Squash
2 Badminton (Indoor/Outdoor) 11 Volleyball
3 Basketball 12 Cricket Practice Pitches
4 Cricket Ground 13 Tennis Practice Wall
5 Multigym 14 Children’s Park
6 Swimming Cum Toddler Pool 15 Taekwondo
7 Lawn Tennis 16 Jogging Track
8 Table Tennis 17 Yoga Hut
9 Skating Rink 18 Pro Shop
    19 Cafeteria / Snack Bar

Membership Entry Fee (Non- Refundable) GST @18% Total Monthly Subscription Remarks
Member Dependant
A Individual Membership
(i) Indian Citizen
(a) Govt. Service i/c DDA Rs. 11703.39/- 2106.61/- 13810/- Rs. 250/- Rs. 120/-  
(b) Others (Non-Service) Rs. 23398.31/- 4211.7- 27610/- Rs. 250/- Rs. 120/-  
(C) Senior Citizen Rs. 4677.97/- 842.03/- 5520/- Rs. 150/- Rs. 120/- Rs.70/- For the age below 60 years For the age above 60 years
(ii) Foreign Citizen $ 2338.98/- $421.02/- 2760/- $ 120/- $ 30/- ($ equivalent to Rs.)
(iii) Non-Resident Indian $ 2338.98/- $421.02/- 2760/- $ 250 $ 120 ($ equivalent to Rs.)
(iv) Associate Rs. 11703.39/- 2106.61/- 13810/- Rs. 250/- NA Dependant not entitled
B. Corporate Membership (One Nominee)
(i) Indian Company Rs. 117000/- 21060/- 138060/- 1270/- --- Including Dependants
(ii) Foreign Company $ 11703.39/- $2106.61/- $13810/- $170/- --- Including Dependants
C. Temporary Membership (For three months only)
(i) Indian Citizen Rs. 2338.98/- 421.02/- 2760/- --- Rs. 120/-  
(ii) Foreign Citizen Rs. 4677.97/- 842.03/- 5520/- --- Rs. 120/-  
D. Spl. Temporary (1 Year) (for Govt. Servant) Rs. 6237.29/- 1122.71/- 7360/- 250/- 120/-  
E. Spl Honorary Exempted          
F Absentee Membership Nil     Rs. 80/- Rs. 50/-  
G. Guest Membership (Accompanied with the Member) Rs. 59.32/- 10.68/- 70/- - - Per day per guest
H. Casual Membership (Pay & Play)
  i. Indian Citizen Rs. 76.27/- 13.73/- 90/- - - Per day per person
  ii. Foreign Citizen Rs. 237.29/- 42.71/- 280/- - - Per day per person
  iii. Student Rs. 25.42/- 4.58/- 30/-      

S.No Sports Discipline Coaching Timings Coach / Coaching Agency Days of coaching per week Coaching Fees
01. Lawn Tennis 8:00 am to 11:00 am 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm Advance Tennis Academy Synthetic Court 03 days a week

Synthetic Court 06 days a week
Non-Member -1250/- pm

Non-Member -1500/- pm
02. Cricket 7:00 am to 9:30 am
3:30 pm to 6:00 pm
Dinesh Verma Cricket Foundation 06 days a week Member-750/-pm
Non-Member -938/- pm
03. Aerobics 6:00 am to 8:00 am
4:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Jass Health& Fitness 06 days a week Member-800/-pm
Non-Member -1000/- pm
04. Yoga 6:00 am to 11:00 am
4:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Mohan Kumar Karki 05 days a week Member-1200/-pm
Non-Member -1500/- pm
05. Skating (Basic Level) 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm Bharat Sports Management Group 06 days a week Member-400/-pm
Non-Member -500/- pm
06. Basketball 4:30 am to 7:30 pm Neeraj Kaushik 06 days a week Member-1000/-pm
Non-Member -1250/- pm
07. Badminton 8:00 am to 10:00 am
3:00 pm to 6:00 pm
United Shuttler Badminton Academy 06 days a week Member-1700/-pm
Non-Member -2125/- pm

S. No Sports Facility Time Slots duration Member Charges Guest Charges Casual Charges Remarks
1. Lawn Tennis (Clay Court) 40 minutes NIL 70/- 90/- -
2. Lawn Tennis (Synthetic Court) 40 minutes 140/- Day light   180/- Flood Light 140+70   180+70 140+90   180+90 -
3. Table Tennis 1 hr. 50/- 70 + 50 90 + 50 -
4. Badminton (Open) 40 minutes Rs.40/- for Day Light
Rs.60/- for Flood Light
70 + 40
70 + 60
90 + 40
90 + 60
5. Badminton (Indoor) 40 minutes 200/- 200/-+ 70/- 200/- + 90/- -
6. Squash 40 minutes AC – Rs.100/-
Non-AC – Rs.50/-
70 + 100
70 + 50
90 + 100
90 + 50
7. Basketball 40 minutes NIL 70/- 90/- -
8. Yoga - - - - -
9. Skating - - 70/- 90/- -
11. Jogging Track - - 70/- 90/- -
11. Children Park - - 70/- 90/- Below 14 Years
12. Tennis Practice Wall - - 70/- 90/- -
13. Volleyball - - 70/- 90/- -


CRICKET: - Working Day Rs. 6152.54/- + 1107.46(GST) = Rs.7260/- (Rs. 300/- GROUNDS MAN)
Holiday Rs. 7830.51/- + 1409.49 (GST) = Rs.9240/- (Rs. 300/- GROUNDS MAN)
CORPORATE WEEKDAYS Rs. 11186.44/- + 2013.56 (GST) = Rs.13200/- (Rs. 300/- GROUNDS MAN)
Weekends and Holiday Rs. 16779.66/- + 3020.34 (GST) = Rs. 19800/- (Rs. 300/- GROUNDS MAN)
TIMING OF COMPLEX Summer (1st March to 30th Oct.) 6.00 AM to 9.00 PM
Winter (1st Nov. to 28th Feb.) 6.30 AM to 8.30 PM


no text Weekdays Weekends
MEMBERS Rs. 1322.03/- + 237.97/-(GST) = Rs.1560/- Rs. 1584.75/- + 285.26 (GST) = Rs.1870/-
NON- MEMBERS Rs.1983.05/- + 356.95 (GST) = Rs.2340/- Rs.2644.07/- + 475.93 (GST) = Rs.3120/-
CORPORATE Rs. 2644.07/- + 475.93/-(GST) = Rs. 3120/- Rs. 3296.61/- + 593.39/- (GST) = Rs. 3890/-


S. No Facilities Existing Rates with time duration (ExcludingGST) GST 18% Total
Daily Basis Monthly Basis (For 3 Hrs.) Daily Basis Monthly Basis (For 3 Hrs.) Daily Basis Monthly Basis (For 3 Hrs.)
School / Collages Sports Association / Federations (For 3 Hrs.) Other institutions (For 3 Hrs.) School / Collages Sports Association/ Federations (For 3 Hrs.) Other institutions (For 3 Hrs.) School / Collages Sports Association/ Federations (For 3 Hrs.) Other institutions (For 3 Hrs.)
1 Table Tennis 211.86/- 432.2/- 432.2/- 38.13/- 77.8/- 77.8/- 250/- 510/- 510/-
2 Badminton
  (a) Open Courts 211.86/- 432.2/- 432.2/- 38.13/- 77.8/- 77.8/- 250/- 510/- 510/-
(b) Covered Courts 567.8/- 1144.07/- 1144.07/- 102.2/- 205.93/- 205.93/- 670/- 1350/- 1350/-
3 Tennis Court
  (a) Synthetic Courts 711.86/- 1432.2/- 1432.2/- 128.13/- 257.8/- 257.8/- 840/- 1690/- 1690/-
4 Squash Court
  (a) Normal 288.14/- 567.8/- 567.8/- 51.87/- 102.2/- 102.2/- 340/- 670/- 670/-

Rates for school and Collages for team games (Basketball & Volleyball) during off peak hours i.e.,10.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.

S. No School & Collages Rates with time duration (Excluding GST) GST 18% Total
Rates for 2 Hours per day
1 Govt. School 567.8/- 102.2/- 670/-
2 Other School / Collages 1432.2/- 257.8/- 1690/-
3 For conduct of Annual Day Function 7152.54/- per day) 1287.46/- 8440/-
Security Deposit of Rs.14296.61/- (Refundable) 2573.39/- Security Deposit of Rs.16870/- (Refundable)
Note: - (a) Allotment will be dependent of Availability.
(b) Shamiana / Tent of Maximum size of 30 x 15 May be permitted in specified area on additional payment of Rs. 500/- per day.
(c) Cost of damage be charged security deposit.
(d) Area to be left clean.
711.86/- 128.13/- 840/-

S.No Category Proposed Base Rate 18% GST Total
A. Member
1 Seasonal 4160 748.80 4909
2 Monthly 1180 212.40 1392
3 Daily Dip 70 12.60 83
4 Guest of Member 210 37.80 248
B. Temporary Membership
1. Daily Dip 70 12.60 83
2. Monthly 1160 208.80 1369
3. Bi- Monthly (02 Months) 2310 415.80 2726
4. Quarterly 3470 624.60 4095
C. Swimming Coaching
1 Coaching 1250 225 1475

S. No



GST 18%



Daily Dip





Monthly Pass




Gym Charges at Sports Complexes

Facility Member Rate (Including GST) Non- Member Rate (Including GST)
Gym Daily Monthly Quarterly Half-yearly Annual Daily Monthly
230/- 2340/- 6,420/- 11,640/- 20,880/- 420/- 4,200/-

Gym Charges at Mini-Sports Complexes and Green Areas

Sr.No Facilities Charges (Excluding GST) GST 18% Total
Member Non-Member Member Non-Member Member Non-Member
Daily Monthly Daily Monthly Daily Monthly Daily Monthly Daily Monthly Daily Monthly
1 Gym in mini sports Complex & Green Areas. - - 84.75 per user per shift 1152.54 per user - - 15.26/- 207.46/- - - 100/- 1360/-

Badminton (AC and Non-AC Courts).

S. No Facilities Charges GST 18% Total
1 Indoor Badminton (AC) 169.49/- 30.51 200/-
2 Indoor Badminton (Non-AC) 144.07/- 25.93 170/-

Tennis (Synthetic Courts)

S. No Sports Facility Charges GST 18% Total
1. Lawn Tennis (Synthetic Court) day Light 118.64/- 21.36/- 140/-
Lawn Tennis (Synthetic Court) Flood Light 152.54/- 27.46/- 180/-

Charges for 40 minutes

Charges for School / Colleges / Federation /

S.No Daily / Monthly / Basis Existing Rates (Excluding GST) 18 % GST Total
1. Daily Basis (Per Hour) 211.86/- 38.13 250/-
2. Monthly Basis (One Hour Daily) 2144.07/- 385.93 2530/-

Charges for Other institution / Corporates / Private

S.No Daily / Monthly / Basis Existing Rates (Excluding GST) 18 % GST Total
1. Daily Basis (Per Hour) 432.2/- 77.8/- 510/-
2. Monthly Basis (One Hour Daily) 4288.14/- 771.87/- 5060/-

Monthly Pass for School Children

S.No Daily / Monthly / Basis Existing Rates (Excluding GST) 18 % GST Total
1. Monthly Pass for School Children 389.83/- 70.17/- 460/-


S.No Description Existing Rates (Excluding GST) 18 % GST Total
1. Weekdays 5500/- 990/- 6490/-
2 Weekends 11000/- 1980/- 12980/-

B. Volleyball.

S.No Description Existing Rates (Excluding GST) 18 % GST Total
1. Weekdays 5500/- 990/- 6490/-
2 Weekends 11000/- 1980/- 12980/-

S.No Category Existing Rates (Excluding GST) 18 % GST Total


Banner / Hoarding





Stall / Canopy / Tent





Electricity Point (Maximum 03)


