S.No | Title | Documents |
1 | Circular: Constitution of Internal Grievance Committee for persons belonging to SC. | |
2 | Vigilance Awareness Week 2024 | |
3 | Circular : Constitution of Internal Grievance Committee for persons belonging to SC | |
4 | Trekking Programme during the month of September to December 2024. | |
5 | Online draw result of DDA staff quarters held on 02.09.2024 | |
6 | Clarification regarding Laptop Policy of Delhi Development Authhority | |
7 | Marking of attendance on Aadhar Enabled Bio-Metric Attendance System (AEBAS) and monitoring thereof - reg. | |
8 | New Laptop Policy of Delhi Development Authority. | |
9 | Inviting application for allotment of Staff Quarters 'On-line' (Type-I to Type-IV). | |
10 | Details of Marks obtained by Candidates in the LDCE 2024 for the post of AE (Civil) & AE (E/M) held on 26.06.2024. | |
11 | राजभाषा हिंदी ज्ञान प्रश्नोत्तरी | |
12 | Circular Regarding extending time for generation of APAR for the period 2023-24 | |
13 | DDA Internal Committee for deal complaints of Sexual Harassment of Women at Work Place | |
14 | Issue Monitoring System MP-MLA | |
15 | Annual Performance Assessment Report (APAR) | |
16 | VC Public Hearing | |
17 | Regarding filling of Annual Performance Assessment Report (APAR) in Online mode for the Year 2023-24 | |
18 | List of eligible employees for Recreational Tour of Lohagarh Farms under DDA's Staff Benefit Fund Scheme, 2023-2023 | |
19 | List of employees of Financial Assistance under DDA's Staff Benefit Fund Scheme 2023-2024. | |
20 | राजभाषा हिंदी ज्ञान प्रश्नोत्तरी | |
21 | Circular for Recreational Tour of Loha Garh Farm, 2024 on 23.03.2024 (Saturday). | |
22 | Observance of International Women's Day 2024 on 08th March (Friday) in DDA. | |
23 | Online draw of DDA Staff Quarters held on 29.01.2024. | |
24 | Half Day Closing (till 02:30 P.M.) of DDA Offices on 22nd January 2024-reg. | |
25 | Submission of Immovable Property Return (IPR) for the year 2023(as on 31.12.2023) by all officers/officials working in DDA. | |
26 | Laptop Policy of Delhi Development Authority. | |
27 | Clarification regarding filing of IPR for the year 2023. | |
28 | Employees' Welfare Fund (S.B.F.) invites applications for providing financial help to the employees of Delhi Development Authority (Except Group 'A' Officers) for the year 2023-24. | |
29 | List of Vacant Staff Quarters. | |
30 | Inviting application for allotment of Staff Quarters 'On-line' (Type-I to Type-IV). | |
31 | Circular for Celebration of Constitution Day, 2023 in DDA. | |
32 | Draft Modified RRs of Revenue Cadre as reviewed by RR Review Committee. | |
33 | Draft modified RRs of Architecture cadre as reviewed by RR review Committee. | |
34 | Ensuring Safety of Women at Workplace. | |
35 | Calling objections on Reviewed Recruitment Regulations for the Landscape Cadre | |
36 | 5th Work Shop for retiring Officers/Official has been schedule on 09.10.2023 (Monday) in Conference Hall, Block-B, Ground Floor, Vikas Sadan | |
37 | Various Competitions Organized During "Hindi Pakhwada" in Delhi Development Authority. | |
38 | Circular : Library is planning to add new books on various subjects. | |
39 | Request cum Undertaking for NOC from Systems Department. | |
40 | Farewell Function organizing on 31.08.2023 (Thursday) at 03:00 P.M in Auditorium (Formerly the Auction Hall) Ground Floor, Block-D, Vikas Sadan | |
41 | Donation of One Day's Salary to Himachal Pradesh CM Relief Fund | |
42 | Circular regarding celebration of India's 77th Independence Day held in DDA on 15.08.2023 (Tuesday) at 10:05 AM. | |
43 | Circular reg. Change in process of filing of representation against Entries & Overall Grading in the APAR | |
44 | Online draw of DDA Staff Quarters held on 01.08.2023 | |
45 | Farewell Function organizing on 31.05.2023 (Wednesday) at 03:00 P.M in Auditorium (Formerly the Auction Hall) Ground Floor, Block-D, Vikas Sadan | |
46 | List of Vacant DDA Staff Quarter | |
47 | Online Circular of DDA Staff Quarter | |
48 | Observance of International Yoga Day, 2023 in DDA | |
49 | Administrative Glossary on the Official Website of DDA. | |
50 | Circular for Observance of World Blood Donor Day on 14.06.2023 2023 in DDA | |