Archive What's New

S.No Title Documents
91 Schedule for Board of Enquiry and Hearing to be held on 27.10.2021 regarding draft MPD-2041 for hearing of objections/suggestions received from public

Schedule for Board of Enquiry…Size: 2.56 MB

92 Schedule for Board of Enquiry and Hearing to be held on 25.10.2021 regarding draft MPD-2041 for hearing of objections/suggestions received from public

Schedule for Board of Enquiry…Size: 2.54 MB

93 Slotwise summary of Board of Enquiry and hearing on 18th and 20th October 2021

Slotwise summary of Board of…Size: 121.61 KB

94 Tentative schedule for convening Board of Enquiry and Hearing meetings for Draft MPD-2041

Tentative schedule for…Size: 118.62 KB

95 Schedule for Board of Enquiry and Hearing to be held on 20.10.2021 regarding Draft MPD-2041 for hearing of objections/suggestions received from public

Schedule for Board of Enquiry…Size: 4.26 MB

96 Schedule for Board of Enquiry and Hearing to be held on 18.10.2021 regarding Draft MPD-2041 for hearing of objections/suggestions received from public

Schedule for Board of Enquiry…Size: 3.44 MB

97 Public Notice for BoE&H on Draft MPD-2041

Public Notice for BoE&H…Size: 1.73 MB

98 Invitation for Quotations for supply of Bulk whatsapp messages.

Invitation for Quotations for…Size: 90.37 KB

99 Draw Result of DDA Housing Scheme 2021 for Waitlisted Applicants.

Draw Result of DDA Housing…Size: 44.86 KB

100 Amendments in UBBL-2016 (Gazette notification dated 29 June 2021).

Amendments in UBBL-2016 (…Size: 1.23 MB