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Archived Circular

Sr.No Title File No Issue date Documents
111 Improvement in the publicity of tenders. EM1(10)83/PT.1/15516 Dt. 28.10.1992 28-Oct-1992

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112 Reg. Pre-qualification criterion for call of tenders for specialized job. (Addendum to Standing Instructions No. 355). This circular has been superseded by Circular No. 493-D dated 14.05.1996. EM1(10)83/14363 Dt. 09.10.1992 F4(8)120/89/Secy/CRB 09-Oct-1992

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113 Reg. Pre-Qualification Criterion for call of tenders for specialized jobs EM1(10)83/12437 Dt. 25.08.1992 25-Aug-1992

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114 Reg. Tenders for Sewerage, Water Supply, Sanitary & Drainage EM1(10)83/10512/ Dt. 17.07.1992 17-Jul-1992

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115 Reg. Opening of Tenders EM1(10)83/7237 Dt. 03.06.1991 03-Jun-1992

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116 Regarding negotiation with the tenders-negotiations for acceptance of tenders should not be dealt on presumptions to conduct in official manner and in writing EM1(10)83/Vol.XI/5803 Dt. 27.04.1992 27-Apr-1992

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117 Regarding Modified Tendering System EM1(10)83/3316 Dt. 09.03.1992 09-Mar-1992

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118 Regarding amendment in N.I.T./Quotations to be called in the name of DDA EM1(10)83/1460 Dt. 03.02.1992 03-Feb-1992

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119 Restricted Call of tenders for specialized jobs such as, sewerage, drainage, roads. Peripheral water supply etc. This circular has been sponsored by Circular No. 493 dt. 14.05.1996 EM1(10)83/14606 Dt. 31.10.1991 31-Oct-1991

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120 Publication of Tenders Notice in “Indian Tender Journal” EM1(10)83/8336 Dt. 24.06.1991 24-Jun-1991

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