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Sr.No Title Documents
51 Date Extension and Revision of Terms & Conditions for e-Tender of APPOINTMENT OF AN ICT AGENCY FOR LAND MANAGEMENT APPLICATION

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52 Date Extension and Revision of Terms & Conditions for e-Tender of APPOINTMENT OF AN ICT AGENCY FOR DDA PARKS APPLICATION

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53 DDA-CMS-Scope-of-work-for-NIT-of-CMS-Final

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54 Extension of 3 weeks for the project of CMS (Request for Proposal: Selection of Agency for Digital Services -Development and Maintenance of Computerized Management System for Decision Support and On-line Public Services (including Grievances Redressal) Sy

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55 Corrigendum-Date Extend of Selection of an agency for providing Mobile based and Web enabled Online Public Grievances & Redressal System Application Software as a service for DDA (SAAS Model)

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56 Corrigendum-Date Extend of Maintenance of Computer H/W, System S/W and Network

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57 CORRIGENDUM of Selection of an agency for providing Mobile based and Web enabled Online Public Grievances & Redressal System Application Software as a service for DDA (SAAS Model)

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58 Maintenance of Computer Hardware, System Software and Network" Twin Bid System (Technical & Financial Bids)

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59 Pre-bid meeting For Selection of an agency for providing Mobile based and Web enaabled online Public Grievances & Redressal System Application Software as a Services for DDA (SAAS Model)

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60 Pre-Bid meeting for CMS Tender of DDA at 11:30 am on 14.12.2017

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