Sr.No | Title | Subject | Issue date | Documents |
101 | Establishment Orders No. 753 | Corrigendum to E.O.No. 349 dt.15.03.2021 regarding Assistant Director (Planning.) |
08-08-22 | |
102 | Establishment order No. 732 | Establishment order 732/ transfer posting order of Private Secretaries |
01-08-22 | |
103 | Establishment order No. 725 | Relieving order of Md. Aftab Alam ITS working as Dy. Director (Ministerial) on deputation basis |
29-07-22 | |
104 | Establishment Orders No.721 | Establishment Order No.721/transfer posting order of JSA |
28-07-22 | |
105 | Establishment Orders No.662 | Office Order regarding Reserve posts in Engineering Department |
12-07-22 | |
106 | Establishment Orders No.663 | Order regarding Restructuring of Engineering Department |
12-07-22 | |
107 | Establishment Orders No.461 | Extension of deputation period of Sh SP Aggarwal as Deputy Director (min) |
13-05-22 | |
108 | Establishment Orders No.452 | Assignment of additional charge of SE(Civil) to Sh Sushil Kumar EE (civil). |
13-05-22 | |
109 | Establishment Orders No.443 | Transfer posting orders of SSA |
12-05-22 | |
110 | Establishment Orders No.07 | Assignment of additional charge of SE(D)-I to Sh Raj Kumar Gupta, SE (Civil) |
11-05-22 | |
111 | Establishment Orders No.435 | Relaese of provisional salary of Ms Richa Choudhary, Architectural Assistant |
10-05-22 | |
112 | Establishment Orders No.432 | Acceptance of technical resignation of Sh. Deepak Kumar, AE(Civil) |
09-05-22 | |
113 | Establishment Orders No.429 | List of additional charge of AD (Hort) under FR 49(1) to sectional officer (Hort) |
09-05-22 | |
114 | Establishment Orders No.425 | Extension of deputation period of Sh. Jitender Kumar Sethi EE(Elect) for 1 year |
06-05-22 | |
115 | Establishment Orders No.428 | Extension of deputation period of Sh. Ajay Kumar EE(Elect) for 1 year |
06-05-22 | |
116 | Establishment Orders No.424 | Transfer posting of security gurads |
05-05-22 | |
117 | Establishment Orders No.420 | Appointment to the post of JSA (Direct Recruitment 2020) |
04-05-22 | |
118 | Establishment Orders No.419 | Recommendation of DCC- Completion of probabtion period of 2 years of ASO |
04-05-22 | |
119 | Establishment Orders No.418 | Transfer posting of Assistant Director, Sh. Nikhil Ahuja (Systems) to PMUDAY for an initial period of 6 months |
04-05-22 | |
120 | Establishment Orders No.412 | Addidional charges for the posts of Commissioner LD-I and Commissioner PMUDAY |
02-05-22 |