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Archived Circular

Sr.No Title File No Issue date Documents
501 General complaints about lack of drinking water facilities and other civic amenities EM1(10)83/17116 Dt. 05.10.1990 05-Oct-1990

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502 Reg defects of serious nature in the building at a later date EM1(10)83/12587 01-Aug-1990

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503 Reg Kota stone work and brick work EM1(10)83/7654 02-May-1990

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504 Attention to comments about quality EM1(10)83/6440 09-Apr-1990

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505 Reg Horticulture work SOI test checked by AE to see the gap between WC pan outlet & trap is filled up properly EM1(10)83/4321 21-Mar-1990

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506 Gap between WC pan outlet and crap EM1(10)83/4320 21-Mar-1990

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507 Reg inspections reg issue/maintenance of MBs EM1(10)83/2415 13-Feb-1990

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508 Inspection reg use of benetenite slurry as I.S 2911(Pt.III) 1980 and reg tube strength of 28 days as per Agmt item & special condition EM1(10)83612 11-Jan-1990

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509 Inspection reg use of benetenite slurry as I.S 2911(Pt.III) 1980 and reg tube strength of 28 days as per Agmt item & special condition EM1(10)83612 11-Jan-1990

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510 Reg sending copy of award letter for civil and elect work to CE(QC) and also the progress report for work EM1(10)83/21757 18-Dec-1989

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