11 |
Relaxation in P.Q. Criteria |
EM1(10)2009/CVC/4190 dt. 31.12.2009 |
31-Dec-2009 |
Size :313.93 KB
12 |
Publicity Policy for issue of Tender Notices by various Engineering Divisions of DDA |
EM1(10)2009/Cir.(Publicity Policy)DDA/394 dt. 19.12.2009. |
19-Dec-2009 |
Size :259.4 KB
13 |
Award of works in respect CWG Projects in anticipation of AA&ES provided Financial Concurrence is available. |
EM1(10)2007/Cir.(AA&ES of CWG)/DDA/3629 dt. 17.11.2009 |
17-Nov-2009 |
Size :96.86 KB
14 |
Operation of Composite Contracts. |
EM1(10)2009/Cir.(Comp.Con.)/3508 dt. 09.11.2009 |
09-Nov-2009 |
Size :173.12 KB
15 |
Award of work. |
EM1(10)2009/Cir.(Tenders)/DDA/3319 dt. 26.10.2009 |
26-Oct-2009 |
Size :132.37 KB
16 |
Publicity Policy of publishing NIT by Engineering Wing. |
EM1(10)2009/Cir.(Publicity)DDA/2997 dt. 08.10.2009 |
08-Oct-2009 |
Size :148.48 KB
17 |
Recalling of tenders in the shortest possible time which are rejected by the WAB. |
EM1(10)2009/Cir.(Tenders)DDA/2436 dt. 24.08.2009 |
24-Aug-2009 |
Size :120.85 KB
18 |
Regarding sanction of Preliminary Estimates. |
EM1(10)2008/Cir./DDA/1297 dt. 28.03.2008. |
28-Mar-2008 |
Size :298.55 KB
19 |
Regarding depositing of Performance Guarantee by Contractor. |
EM1(10)2008/Cir.(Performance Guarantee)DDA/1328 dt. 24.03.2008. |
24-Mar-2008 |
Size :120.18 KB
20 |
Increase in contractor’s Profit and Overheads to 15%. |
EM1(10)2007/Cir.(Contractor’s Profit)DDA/1310 dt. 19.03.2008. |
19-Mar-2008 |
Size :284.82 KB