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Policies & Circulars

Sr.No. Title Issue Date Documents
31 Medical Advisory on non panel Indoor cases restricted to CGHS Rates05042021 10/03/22 img
32 Credit facility to DDA Medical Card Holders by CGHS empanelled hospitals (further taken of DDA panel). 26/03/21 img
33 Review of the DDA Medical Scheme. Extension of the option to class III & IV employees for opting Annual Ceiling of reimbursement of OPD Medical expenditure. 08/09/20 img
34 Last date for submission of OPD bills for any Financial Year 11/02/20 img
35 New OPD ceiling limit starting date for any financial year. 11/02/20 img
36 Date for submission of Medical bills for reimbursements under annual OPD ceilling. 04/12/19 img
37 Lupus/SLE, Motor Neuron Disease (MND) and auto Immune Disease - Chronic Diseases. 03/10/19 img
38 Treatment of Chronic Disease from St. Stephens Hospital and Sir Ganga Ram Hospital. 20/09/19 img
39 केमोथेरेपी/रेडियोलॉजी/कैंसर आपात स्थितियों से संबंधित उपचार के लिए सीजीएचएस पैनलबद्ध अस्पतालों द्वारा डीडीए मेडिकल कार्ड धारकों को क्रेडिट सुविधा ( ज़िन्हे आगे दि. वि. प्रा. पैनल पर लिया गया) 24/05/19 img
40 Credit facility to DDA Medical Card Holders by CGHS empanelled hospitals (further taken on DDA panel) for treatment relating to Chemotherapy/Radiology/Cancer emergencies. 24/05/19 img