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Therapy Park near Safardarjung Hospital

Therapy Park near Safardarjung Hospital

Therapy Park near Safardarjung Hospital


Deeply scored by layers of history and already occupied by landscape structures such as geology and hydrology, the site has a deep physical resonance, as 9.2 Acres site has imported remnants of development taking place in the city’s fabric or around it. The design intends to reintegrate this construction and demolition site with ecological, social, environmental, and economic systems. Small steps in design towards reclaiming these lands and converting them into safe havens for the public at large will help change the face of the earth. Three processes, each with its own goals and imperatives, helped organize the site—topography, water, and habitat.

The park is designed on the idea of healing Chakras in our body. Therapy, the spaces have been designed based on the four main Chakras in the human body, starting from MULADHARA, the essence being-- Earth. SWADHISHTHAN resembles the element Water- where water and fluidity of the space can be seen in comprehensive planning. ANAHATA which is related to Air as an element can be felt in the park in higher spaces. MANIPURA denotes the element Fire which represents passion. The remaining three chakras are VISHUDDHA, AJNA and SAHASTRARA which respectively denote elements space, spirit, and consciousness.

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