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Archived Circular

Sr.No Title File No Issue date Documents
131 Withdrawal of exemption facility by virtue of security bond EM1(10)83/21636 14-Dec-1989

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132 Reg change of earnest money and security deposit EM1(10)8383/21637 14-Dec-1989
133 Reg. approval of tender for listing of contractors from LG EM1(10)83/20999 05-Dec-1989

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134 Reg issue of tenders to specialized firms EM1(10)/83/20550 28-Nov-1989

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135 Reg submitting of tender paper by contractor at least 14 days before the date of opening of tenders EM1(10)83/16072 31-Aug-1989

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136 Conditions incorporated in the NIT EM1(10)83/9894 24-May-1989

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137 Reg tender documents of DDA EM1(10)/83/9548 19-May-1989

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138 Reimbursement payable under clause 10C in the event of statutory increase in rates of labour EM1(10)83/2097 09-Feb-1989

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139 Provision for rebates to be given by the contractor EM1(10)83/1963 08-Feb-1989

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140 Submission of tenders to WAB delay in submission of tenders thereof EM1(10)83/20076 26-Dec-1988

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