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Sr.No File No Title Issue date Documents
1 F.NO. F4(8)72/Misc./Secy./CRB/2021/PT.1/904 Rules for Enlistment of Contractors in DDA 2021 15-Nov-2021

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2 No. F4(8)/72/Misc./2020/Secy.(CRB)/643 Office Order No. 99/2020 M/s Mi2C Security & Facilities Pvt. Ltd. 20-Oct-2020

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3 F.4(8)72/Misc./2019/Sccy.(CRB)/438 Circular of Tendering limit upto Rs. 60 Lakh. 14-Aug-2020

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4 No. F54(1559)/EE/ND-8/DDA/2020/CRB/137 Debarring of agency M/s Mi2C Security and Facilities. and M/s Jasvinder Electrical work(Office Order No.49 ). 10-Feb-2020

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5 No. F3(24)EE(E)ELD.11/DDA/2019-20/CRB/136 Debarring of agency M/s Mi2C Security and Facilities. and M/s Jasvinder Electrical work(Office Order No.48 ). 10-Feb-2020

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6 F4(8)72/Misc./2019/Secy./(CRB)/911 Circular making tendering for DDA works open only to Contractors Registered with DDA 27-Oct-2019

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7 F.4(8)72/Misc/2018/Secy.(CRB)/89 Making tendering for DDA works open only to Contractors Registered With DDA 19-Feb-2019

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8 F.4(8)72Misc./Action Case/Secy./CRB/956/ Circular (Withdrawal) of debarment of M/s. Tara Chand Sumit Construction Co.55 DDA Flats ,Todapur , New Delhi from further tendering in DDA for a period of three Years 20-Dec-2018

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9 F•4(8)66/01/2016/III(Civil)Secy./45 G.S.T. to be levied to the tendering fee/processing fee for enlistment of contractors 17-Jan-2018

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10 No. F4(88)66/01/2016/III(Civil) Secy./499 Debarring Order of M/S Tara Chand Sumit Construction Co, M/S T.C Construction and Sh.Punesh Singh 11-Sep-2017

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