Regional Parks/ Proposed Notified reserve Forest
The Aravali Range in the NCT of Delhi comprises of the rocky outcrop stretching from the University in the North to the NCT Border in the South and beyond, and sizeable areas of the same have been designated as the Ridge. This is not a continuum as various intervening stretches have, over a period of time, been brought under urbanization - for example the Central Ridge area was planned as an integral part of New Delhi, at the time of the development of New Delhi as the Capital in the early part of the twentieth century.
Subject to verification, the area of Regional Park is 7777 1[ha]. Part of this has been notified as Reserve Forest under the Indian Forest Act, 1927 vide Notification dated 24.5.94 and 02.04.96. There are discrepancies between the area notified and the physical boundaries of the total area owned by various agencies – DDA, CPWD, NDMC, [concerned municipal body], Forest Department and the Ministry of Defence. Till the exact boundaries are identified by the Forest Department, the boundary indicated in the Master Plan for Delhi (land use plan) as Regional Park shall continue.
Activities Permitted in Master Plan: Ridge, Residential Flat (For watch & ward), Picnic Hut, Park, Shooting Range, [Bio-diversity Park], Zoological Garden, Bird Sanctuary, Botanical Garden, Local Government Office (Maintenance), Open Air Theatre, Police Post, Fire Post, Orchard, Plant Nursery and Forest. Approved Farm Houses sanctioned prior to 01.08.90 [or subsequently if approved by [concerned municipal body], as per the policy applicable for regularization of the existing farm houses subject to necessary clearances from the Central Empowered Committee of Supreme Court and the Ridge Management Board of GNCTD are allowed.
Protected Forests
- DDA is working towards protecting and developing its forests not only to create the much-needed lung spaces for growing metropolis but also to provide people with a healthy and a beautiful ambience to live in.
- DDA has afforested massive areas to develop a number of sprawling protected Forests, all over the city. These act as the natural lungs for the city that counter pollution, environmental degradation and harmonize the balance.
- Tall trees and the shrubbery, the chirping of birds and even the sense of the wild, balance the urban hustle-bustle and the consequent stresses and strains.
- A real paradise for morning walkers, natures lovers, 25 such protected forests are under its current jurisdiction.
District Parks
- Area as per Master plan: 25 hectare and above
- District Park provides multitude of facilities for passive and active recreation to meet the needs of the growing population. Due to their enormous expanse, large number of facilities can be provisioned which isn’t possible in either Community Park or neighborhood greens. The green area improves social wellbeing of the users by facilitating the exposure to congregation spaces & recreational activities while the contact with nature enables the enhancement of physical and mental wellbeing also.
- District Parks, are the green lungs which improves the quality of life of the entire city by providing ecological benefits, encouraging physical activity, and offering psychological respite from the hustle and bustle of busy city.
- Activities Permitted in Master Plan: District park, Theme park, Recreational Club, National Memorial, Open-air food court, Children park, Orchard, Plant Nursery, Area for Water Harvesting Archeological Park, Specialized Park, Amusement Park, Children Traffic Park, Sport activity, Playground, Amenity structures. For restaurant in district parks there are specific norms in the master plan document to be followed.
Community Parks
- Area as per Master plan:5 Hectare - 25 Hectare
- The aim through design of the community parks is to offer active and passive recreation opportunities beyond those offered by Neighborhood Parks. These parks are mostly located at a distance of 1.5 Km. from residential areas. The green area besides serving the residents and the city ecologically i.e. acting as recharge zone, regulating ambient temperatures, creating shelter for wildlife, acting as carbon sink etc also enhance the social, mental & physical wellbeing of the community by provision of various spaces such as open lawn, ornamental plantation zones as a visual amenity, picnic areas, pathways for walking, Jogging, cycling etc., facilities like, children play areas, senior citizen areas, food kiosks and shelter for people to socialize and congregate.
- Activities Permitted in Master Plan: Park, Children Park, Open-air Food Court, Playground etc.
Neighborhood Parks
- Area as per Master plan:01 Hectare- 05 Hectare
- Neighborhood Parks provide ‘close-to-home’ recreational opportunities for surrounding residents. Typically, 5-10 acres in size, Neighborhood Parks are designed to serve residents within walking or bicycling distance of the park or about ½ mile (800 meters). These parks include children play area, grassed areas bordered with ornamental plantations, walking tracks, sitting areas creating gatherings, rain shelter etc. Connectivity to surrounding neighborhood and forming a part of broader network of open space is vital to these categories of parks. Though smaller in size than community parks, these greens still play a promising role in creating a microclimate for surrounding residential zone and serving as relaxing treat to the users of the green area.