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Policies & Circulars

Sr.No. Title Issue Date Documents
51 Name of dependents to be included in medical card 05/11/18
52 Empanelment of Hospitals at CGHS rates for OPD and IPD treatment for DDA Medical Card beneficiaries. 04/10/18 img
53 consolidated orders relating to Medical Claims (updated Sept. 2018). 20/09/18 img
54 Revision of rate and guideline for reimbursement of expenses on purchase of Hearing AIDS Under CSMA Rules, 1944 and CGHS-Regarding. 13/09/18 img
55 Medical advance limit 02/08/18 img
56 Issue of DDA Medical Card/name of dependant to be included in Medical Card. 11/05/18 img
57 information to empannelled hospital regarding medical subscription and card validity 07/05/18 img
58 Regarding CKD claim. 25/04/18
59 Medical Awareness: Guidelines for checking Medical Bills. 16/03/18 img
60 Introduction of Annual Medical Examination for the Group 'A' Officers of DDA of age 40 years and above. 14/03/18