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Archived Circular

Sr.No Title File No Issue date Documents
511 Inspect reg not sending copy of CE(QC)/CTE inspection report to the contractor EM1(10)83/1011 12-Dec-1989

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512 Reg procuring sludge and mode of mean EM1(10)83/20543 28-Nov-1989

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513 Testing of materials at quality control laboratory at Siri Fort EM1(10)83/20544 28-Nov-1989

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514 Reg non-use of acrylic water proofing compound and ordinary water proofing compound to be used EM1(10)83/14805 08-Aug-1989

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515 C/o Houses in one pocket EM1(10)83/13860 21-Jul-1989

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516 Various items of supply of stores in WAB WAB1(76)PT-X/12/48 16-Jun-1989

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517 Corrosion of reinforcement in concrete EM1(10)83/4055 14-Mar-1989
518 Ensuring quality of water supply for drinking purposes EM1(10)83/3959 10-Mar-1989

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519 Anti termite treatment EM1(10)83/20114 27-Dec-1988

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520 Execution of SFS schemes EM 1(10)83/18207 01-Dec-1988

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